Day 11

Day 11

Today we pray about correcting and disciplining our children.

Father, in the name of Yeshua, we come before you as mothers, seeking Wisdom and guidance. As mons we bear our hearts before You – standing completely transparent.

Father, Your Word says that we should teach our children in the ways that they should go. (Prov 22:6). Your Word also says that we should not keep correction from our kids. (Prov 23:13).

Father, we are often unsure, about how to do this. As our children grow older and become more opinionated and begin to form and voice their own ideas it becomes harder to correct and discipline. The world has so many opinions regarding this. But, Father, I want to do it Your way. Please silence the sounds and opinions of the world – with the blood of Yeshua. I come today to sit with You so that Your eyes can guide me in the way I should discipline and correct and, in the things, I should say.

Father, as a mom, I have said things which I shouldn’t have. My words of criticism have come from a tired, worn out, overwhelmed, angry and yes, Lord, a fear filled heart. Please forgive me. I have cut my children with my tongue; stripping them from their dignity and self-worth. Father, I did not stop but continued to say things when I should have stopped and loved. My anger, fear and disappointment flowed like a flood over them. I repent, please forgive me, where I lacked Wisdom and Understanding. Please forgive me where my emotions guided me and not Your Spirit. I need You, Lord. Teach me to pray more and say less. Guide me to discipline when and as I should. Teach me to love them – also through discipline and correction. I repent for every instance where I was slack in disciplining.

Father, please heal our hearts. Please restore our mommy hearts to train them up with courage and in Godly purpose. Lead us as moms to Your wells of life giving waters so that we will be full again – so that we are able to give and show love. Fill us up God!

I pray that our children’s spirit man, as well as ours, will be so healthy and whole, plugged into Your Spirit, that we only need to turn them back to You for instruction, correction and guidance. Please, Yeshua lead them to forgive us, not to hold grudges and not to make ungodly vows because of the things we have done and said (Shouted at them). Please remove the scorching effect of my words from them. Please bind up our wounds, my King.

I bow before You, teach me Lord…

I need You more

More than yesterday I need You Lord

More than words can say