Watch Your Heart!

Watch Your Heart!

Dearest beloved, I would like to share something with you that I feel we need to seriously consider.

God has been placing my attention on the anger that is brooding in people’s hearts across the globe. I pick up that many of us have been numbed in the area of giving and caring for others.

Survival Mode

We as humans have this thing that we do when we experience pressure and stress. We tend to go into “survival mode” which pulls us into a space where we only look out for ourselves, close friends and loved ones. Many times when we are in this state we lose our compassion for others. Our irritability and anger levels tend to be much higher than usual. All that matters is to get through the difficult space and we don’t have patience and time for anyone or anything else.

I have been talking to the Lord about this anger and irritability that many people are walking with. The answer – people have hardened their hearts. Many have fallen into the trap of the enemy by becoming decensitized (insensitive) through trying to survive and by getting through the stress and worries of this season.

Be careful

A heardened heart breeds contempt – a heart without consideration for others.

The assignment of the enemy

This is the assignment of the enemy (the devil). He is busy numbing people so that love and care can’t feature in our lives. He is pushing us to become selfish and only think of ourselves. He is stirring up war and disunity amongst people in the world. This is in contradiction with who Christ Jesus is. This is not His way. If Jesus was selfish, we would never have been saved.

Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

This is what I feel the Lord spoke to me. We should keep our hearts from being hardened. How? It is more blessed to give than to receive. It is in the giving of yourself to others that you will receive. We need to nurture the love in our hearts for others by always being ready to give of ourselves.

Give in what way?

I am not talking about giving money. You can give of yourself by sending a message to someone saying you are thinking of them, a scripture verse, a prayer while you are having quiet time, having coffee with them ect. Stay out of that mode of me, myself and I, especially now with all that is going on in the world. Keep you heart tender and soft. We have to stay in God’s love. If you are angry, you have to make work with it and rid yourself from it quickly. The enemy will pull you into a rut of careless- and-insensitiveness. Before you know it you will be stuck in that rut and it will require a whole lot of effort from you to get out of it. The love of God brings healing to people, and so many people are in need of that right now.


I don’t know about you, but everytime I give of myself to someone, I always walk away blessed. When Moses took the Israelites through the wilderness they were irritable and angry, it was hot, they were hungry and thirsty. They hardened their hearts because their flesh were struggling. What happened? They hardened their hearts by being angry at God and Moses and they started to moan and groan. A hardened heart is rebellion, it is the abscence of love. Where rebellion is, anger is also. Let us keep ourselves in check. Let us not come in agreement with our enemy’s way of doing things. Stay with the Father!

Hebrews 3:15 Remember what it says: “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled.”

What to do?

Ultamately, if you are angry and irritable, go love on someone. Go and love your anger and irritability dead.

Let’s summarize

Let us truly be mindful of this. Let us not fall in the trap of the enemy by hardening our hearts and playing out that which the enemy is trying to orchastrate in the world. A hardened heart is rebellion, and it is the absense of Love. ( By the way, you will not be able to hear God’s (who is love) voice clearly because you have closed yourself off by sinning – rebellion).

Let us come out and stay out from under the cloud of decensitization (insensitiveness) and let us stay under God’s cloud of Love.

1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Let us pray

Abba Father, I want to repent of my wayward ways today. I want to ask forgiveness for giving in and stepping into the trap of the enemy. I ask that you will forgive me for being numb and insensitive to other peoples needs. Please forgive me for the rebellion in my heart. Forgive me for hardening my heart and for only thinking of myself and my family. Father, I do not know how to love and that is why my heart is hardened, I do not know You. Please forgive me. Father, You are love and therefore I give You permission to show me and teach me what true love is. Please touch my heart and bring me out of this rut. Please wash me in Your blood and wash away that which is not of You. Father, please give me a heart of flesh once again. Let Your love collide with my heart now, in Jesus name I pray. Amen and Amen

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