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Tag: The blood of Jesus

The Blood Of The Lamb Silences All Accusations!

The Blood Of The Lamb Silences All Accusations!

Beloveds, I want to share this next thought with you. This is from a friend of mine that lives in the Netherlands.

I just want to share. I woke up this morning, saw the snow and I was thinking about that scripture in Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

This says that even though our sins are like scarlet, He will wash it whiter than snow. I was journaling about this and told God how beautiful the white blanket of snow was over everything and what a visual reminder I now have of that scripture. But also of how *quiet* it seems to be when it snows. I read up about this and I found that it is because every snow flake’s shape is different and it allows it to capture sound, therefore making it a lot quieter.

I thought of how God spoke to Cain when he killed Abel, saying that his blood *calls out* to God. So, what if, when we receive forgiveness, Jesus’ blood does not just wash our sins whiter than snow, but also captures the enemies accusations against us – He silences the accusations! Because God says He will no longer remember our sins.

Just a thought…

Clarissa Viljoen

Beloveds, my question to you is this. Why then do you still hold on to past sins that are forgiven, silenced and God does not remember it anymore. If you have repented of it, it is forgiven. God has forgiven you, will you forgive yourself?

It is time to let it go and get to that place of quietness?!