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The Power Of The Tongue

The Power Of The Tongue

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

We all are well acquainted with this scripture. We often use it, but do we really understand how much weight it carries? Our tongues are the controllers of our and others destinies. The things we utter can either make or break us.

The other day I was speaking to a dear friend of mine. We were talking about the condition her body has been in for years. She has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. This illness has been dragging her down severely for many years. People even started making jokes about her being sick the whole time. She also couldn’t get going with her career because of the severity of this sickness.

I was talking to her about how easy it is for us as humans to come in agreement with difficult things we face in our lives, especially when we carry sickness in our bodies. I understand that we think that when people ask us how we are doing when we are ill that we should tell them exactly how we feel otherwise we lie when we say we are ok. I believe we have it completely wrong? Let us look at another angle concerning this.

The moment we start talking about how much we are in pain or how terrible we feel, we start agreeing with the codition. We give it more power to rule over us and our eyes get stuck on the pain. We will start loosing sight of Jesus our healer and deliverer. The moment we get stuck in the pain we actually start adding fuel to the pain and we start falling into a downward spiral.

Then there is another issue that we should be very careful of. Say for instance we tell our best friend/friends (who truly has our backs, loves us and has no intention to harm us) the severity of our pain they can go and talk (very innocently) to their parents or someone they trust and tell them how sorry they feel for you because you have been suffering with this sickness. They don’t have ill intentions towards you, they really are concerned for you, but the enemy comes in and uses that conversation and how sick you are against you, even if the intention was not to harm you. The moment people are talking and coming in agreement with how bad it is going with you, that moment you get added oppression to what you are fighting because you are being bound by their agreement.


Many times when we say things to others about others in innocence, we might think there is nothing wrong with it because you are not speaking ill, but in actual fact it is gossip. Gossip is not only when you speak ill about someone, gossip is talking about other people, good or bad.

It requires a lot of discipline to control the words we speak. The biggest thing for us to remember is that we can do great damage to others and ourselves by what we say. It is imminent for us to become more mindful of this. And if we should fail and the words already left our mouthes, we can quickly repent and break those words before it is used by darkness.

It is much better to fly under the radar and not create an opportunity for the enemy to add more pain to us by what is spoken.

So, how do we answer then? How did Jesus answer? He always ansered with the Word of God. How’s about answering someone who is asking how you are doing by saying: “I am overcoming by the blood of the lamb or I am getting there, but please keep on praying for me”.(Or even better, ask Holy Spirit how you should answer). This way you will keep yourself safe from added war and from agreeing with the devil.

My friend had an immense mind shift concerning this. The moment she stopped saying how bad the sickness was and being more mindful of what she was speaking and agreeing with, her whole countenance or “vibe” (for a lack of better word) changed. She is now getting up, doing life and experiencing more joy than before, even though she is not completely healed yet.

Once my mother said something very profound to me while she was struggling with pain in her body, she said: ” I am living this pain dead.”

Note what the scripture above says, we will eat the fruit of what we are speaking and agreeing with.

Beloved, what are you saying to others or even to yourself that can bind you and place you under more oppression and pain (the fruit)? Are you being mindful of how much weight your words carry? Let us become more careful of what we utter. Even those of us that are the ones that heard how bad it is going with a friend, let us for their sake not talk about it but rather cover them in prayer. This way we won’t open our friend up to more attack.

WATCH YOUR AGREEMENT! Even nodding is agreeing. Be careful what you nod your head to, the enemy will use that against you.

This is obviously not only applicable to sickness but to any form of trouble we might go through.

I pray that Holy Spirit will make us sharp and awake so that we can catch ourselves before we step into a trap of agreeing with darkness or talking about someone that we can bind with our words.

Let us pray:Abba Father, You are wonderful, counsellor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Holy one. I want to bring my prayer before You in sincerity and I want to say that I am guilty of binding myself by agreeing with how terrible and overwhelming my pain and sufferings are. I repent for murmuring and believing that I won’t be able to get through it. Please forgive me for binding myself and getting locked down in this belief that I won’t overcome. Father, You say in Your word we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. Please forgive me for not holding unto this Word. Father, I want to bring every instance before you where I have discussed people and their problems with others, even if it was not with evil intent, where I have unleashed more war upon them with agreeing how bad they are doing. I repent of gossiping, this is sin. I repent of this in Jesus name and I ask that you will forgive me for my part in agreeing with a bad report and not bringing hope as I should. Please cleanse my tongue from coming in agreement with darkness in the name of Jesus. Please cleanse me with Your blood and set me free from evil in Jesus name. Please bring me to my senses for this has become a habit. A habit, especially where when I get together with friends and we talk about our pain and issues we come in agreement with how terrible it is and not looking to the hope that is in You. Holy Spirit please make me uncomfortable with this sin in the name of Jesus. Father, I rededicate my tongue to You in the name of Jesus. I want to speak and agree with that which is Holy, Righteous and Just. Please help me to speak only Your words and that which matters to You. Father, please deliver and heal each one that was brought under demonic attack through my agreement and gossiping in the name of Jesus. Heal their brokenness and bring them out from under that report by the blood of Jesus. Please silence every word that was spoken against them with the blood of Jesus! I declare they shall live and not die in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh! Father, I declare by the blood of Jesus that I will be strong in You Lord and in the power of Your might according to Ephesians 6:10. Amen and amen.