Disciplined In Conduct

Disciplined In Conduct

Beloveds, I want us to focus on a few things that has great influence on our authority in Christ. We want darkness to flee from us when we address it and we want to be able to stand when we face difficulties, but we can not expect the devil to flee from us if we conduct ourselves in a way that glorifies him. We have to move in the opposite spirit as what the devil is trying to oppress us with so that we can overcome. Meaning, we have to pursue Gods instructions on how we should conduct ourselves as His children. How will we ever bring change and light into the world if we behave and look like the world? We do not have any excuse to behave badly as children of God, not ever. Jesus is our example of how to live. He never acted out, not even in the worst situations.

Therefore let us become more mindful of what the Word of God says on how to conduct ourselves. It is going to require some effort from our side. We will have to daily resist our default way of responding to certain things and to keep reprogramming our minds by falling back on what the Word of God says.

So let us dedicate ourselves to truly change the way we speak, think and behave! Remember that we are here to honor Jesus and display His splendor. Let us therefore make the decision to change our ways of ill behavior and embrace God’s instructions that will bring life to us.

Let us meditate on these scriptures.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Whatever is true

Definition – That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality

Whatever is noble

Definition – Showing fine personal qualities

Whatever is right

Definition – Justified or expectable.

Whatever is pure

Definition – Not mixed

Whatever is lovely

Definition – Highly pleasing

Whatever is admirable

Definition – Deserving respect and approval

Excellent or praiseworthy

Definition – Show high moral standard or warm approval / admiration

Do we think on these things? What does our days look like? Can we truly say I have glorified the Lord in my conduct today?

Are we negative, miserable and fault finding? If that is the case, our focus is obviously in the wrong place. We should not get stuck on how bad, irritating and terrible things are around us, the more we embrace this thinking the more we will only see terrible and nasty things. The devil also will make sure to send you some more irritating, miserable things to occupy you with in your day because you are entertaining things of his realm.

So, let us start finding things that are lovely, look for truth in everything, find someone to bless or compliment, don’t always think for instance that people are against you because they did not smile or greet you. It might even be that that person is wrestling with a hardship and is in deep thought – what an opportunity we will miss to bring some light into that persons day. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Let us look at things we grateful for or find things or people that we can admire or respect. I always stand in amazement and respect of old people who you can see are struggling with a bad hip or some sort of pain who goes for their daily walk. They will shuffle along slowly but they will do it even if it takes them a very long time. That is something to admire and respect. I salute them for not giving up. To me that is perseverance and I can learn a lot from looking at them!

Proverbs 21:23 (ESV) Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

Proverbs 12:18 (ESV) There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

We wonder sometimes why people are antagonistic towards us, but we gossip about others and we are quick to lash out. When we are slow to speak we can many times dodge a fight that the enemy tries to launch against us.

When the Lord started teaching me about Godly behavior my first case was my husband. We tend to get so familiar with our families, especially with our spouses, and this can become a problem. We can easily dishonor, lash out – and vent at them. We many times don’t have a muzzle on our mouths. We don’t realize how we hurt them with our rash words. One time God showed me what it looked like in the spirit when I spoke in anger to my husband. What a horrific picture – my words truly looked like the scripture above sates. Every time I was triggered and I responded in anger or sarcasm I would push knives into my husband and it looked like a murder scene. I then realized that it did not matter how I felt or what right I think I had to behave that way, it was wrong because I was busy killing my husband in the spirit. The more I did this the more I pushed him away from me.

Just by the way, if you get triggered or irritated by something someone says or does, there is some unresolved pain or issue inside of you to deal with, but you DO NOT have the right to kill people around you with your words because you have pain.

Dishwashing in the evenings was my deliverance time. God spoke so clearly and intently to me while I was doing dishes. Many times I would hear Him say: “You will not say a word, even if he is wrong. You will be quiet and you will focus on Me”. This Jezebellic behavior was part of me for many years. I grew up with it and God had to deliver me from it! Over the years I have learnt to catch myself before I lashed out and if I did I would report myself to the Lord. (I had many internal conversations with the Lord when I was in a situation that was loaded with a fight.) I would literally say: “Father, I report myself to you, I want to freak out, swear and say what I want to say, please help me now.” He would then immediately come and either convict my heart or bring peace to me. I would then repent if I was in the wrong or just ask Him for the wisdom I needed to deal with the situation. Most importantly I would push myself to NOT say a word that had hatred or revenge in it.

Over the years my husband and I have learnt to respect and honor each other and first think and gauge ourselves before we speak or behave. God has done great things, but we had to work with Him and APPLY His Word. We are careful of letting our guards down because it is very easy to fall into that trap again – we keep at it still daily.

Proverbs 15:1 (ESV) A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 25:28 (ESV) A man without self-control is like a broken city broken into and left without walls.

If you don’t have self-control there is no protection for you because your walls are down. Do we really understand what happens in the spirit to us when we can’t control ourselves? Something to think upon for sure.

Colossians 4:6 (ESV) Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

We struggle with keeping our tongues under control. How do we speak to others, when we are angry, when we are irritated, sad, etc.?

Colossians 1:10 (ESV) so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;

Beloveds, I want to challenge you to really start a journey of changing the way you do life. Press in with this. Don’t allow yourself to be swallowed by discontentment, miserability, anger, irritability etc. Keep in mind that You want to walk worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him; your actions and behavior must show it. Push against moving in the same spirit as the devil. If you fail, which you will, repent and ask forgiveness to the Lord, get up and push again until you get the hang of it. We cannot resist the devil if we have the same things in common with him. That is why many times we resist the devil and he won’t flee.

I want to encourage you to really work at this daily until it becomes second nature. Let us start walking in victory because our conduct is in line with Gods Word.

Let’s Pray: Father, I know that my conduct has been atrocious over the years. I have agreed with darkness by the way I have behaved and has spoken to others. I have killed many with my words. Forgive me for not having a guard infront of my mouth. Please forgive me for not having self-control and for being a city with broken down walls – unprotected. I repent Lord. Please cleanse me from this lifestyle. Deliver me from the deception I have lived under: for believing that I have the right to behave badly. Please forgive me! Father, I ask that You will convict my heart every time I want to move in the wrong spirit, every time I want to kill with my words. Please help me to be aware of what I am saying and doing. Father, I ask that you will cleanse me with the blood of Jesus from every evil that has attached to me because of these sins. Please cleanse my mindset with the blood of Jesus Christ. I denounce and renounce this lifestyle and I choose to walk in the light as You, Jesus, are in the light. Help me to become a beacon of light to others. I choose to display Your splendor, the way Your Word is teaching me. I pray this in the name of Jesus name. Amen and amen

A Call To A Disciplined Mindset

A Call To A Disciplined Mindset

Beloveds, I was spending time with the Lord in the early hours of this morning and I feel that this is what the Lord wants us to become mindful of. Let us truly open up and search our hearts as we read this and let us really press into that which the Lord wants us to be focused on in this season.

Hardened Hearts

“Many of my children have become numbed by circumstances that has hardened their hearts. They have been falling into the trap of the enemy by being swallowed by fear and worries for their future – they have lost sight of Me. Didn’t I say : ” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future?” (Jeremiah 29:11). Haven’t I said: ” You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart?” (Jeremiah 29:13). They cannot find me because their hearts are far removed from me and their idols that they are using to comfort them has become their focus.


But today I am calling them back! Come, Return – Times of refreshing is at hand! It is time for my people to rise from the ashes and put on a new garment of praise, for I want to do great wonders in their sight. It is time to open up your gates so that My Glory can come in. You need to surrender afresh to Me so that My face can shine upon you and enlighten your spirit, soul and body. When My face shines upon you, darkness will be expelled.

I can only keep moving for you if the eyes of your heart do not lose sight of Me. I cannot keep moving for you where the noise of the world draws you away from who I am, when you start operating in your own strength and trying to figure things out with your cognitive mind. What you focus on you will become conscious of! Where is your mind at?

Disciplined Minds

It is time to become more serious and disciplined in your walk with Me. This will require that you make a decision to either stay in the oppressive mindsets or choose to come into the light and reside there. You are only kept in darkness or light by what you allow yourself to meditate upon. What do you believe?

My Word

I am Your Redeemer and ever present Help in trouble. I will do what I say, but darkness has blinded many to believe that the state they are in is My doing?

It is time to believe what My Word says. My Word is your compass. If you believe with your whole heart, you will be saved. My living waters will flow through My Word and you will be changed when you meditate and apply my Word to your circumstances.

I want to heal your land. Come closer once again and allow My love to touch Your heart. The Lord of Hosts is ready to save. Psalm 80:3 Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.

Today, will you choose who or what you will allow to rule over you?”

Beloveds, let us respond to the Lord – even if you are not in this space – let us stand in and cry out to the Lord for our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ that are stuck. If we want to truly walk in our authority in Christ we need to have a different mindset and start walking as overcomers and rule over darkness.

Let us pray: Father, we cry out to You today for ourselves, our families and the body of Christ. We have lost sight of who You are. Our minds are being tormented by the voices of darkness. Our hearts are loving idols. We have learnt a behavior to run to other things that soothes our flesh and not run to You, who are the only Way, the Truth and the Life. Therefore, Father, we have lost the Way, the Truth and the Life. We are weary because we are not drinking from the well of living water. Lord, we repent for all of the above. We repent that we are in this condition because we have allowed ourselves to look and listen to the worlds view of things. We repent for hardening our hearts and blaming You for our condition. Please forgive us Lord. We have gotten so used to running to things that we think brings us comfort but in actual fact we are being swallowed deeper and deeper into a hole of death and depression. Father, today we choose to turn our focus back to You. We know that if we keep going this way it will only lead to destruction. Please turn Your face towards our spirit, soul and body and save us. Father we open up our gates and we welcome You King of Glory – Come in! In Jesus name. Amen and amen


Sacred To The Lord

Sacred To The Lord

Psalm 30:11

You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy

I want to dedicate this post to everyone that have been feeling forgotten, broken, and lost. Those of you that are depleted and want to give up. I want to tell you this – Your Savior, Jesus is here! Listen with your spirit today – Your Savior, Jesus is here! He has never left your side and He never will.

I would like to share a vision with you that God gave me when I had to deal with a certain heartache I had. I hope you will be encouraged by this because this is the character and lovingkindness of our Father.

When my dad died at the beginning of this year, we could not have a burial because of the virus and there were also no graves available to bury him. So, our family had a small memorial service in my mom’s garden. I got home, had to pack to move to a different Province and when I eventually was packed out in our new home, I suddenly felt a lot of emotion concerning my dad’s death. I did not really had time to mourn his death because of the quick in and out and packing that was going on.

So, like I always do when I feel emotional, I ran to Jesus! I asked Him what was going on and how I should deal with this. He showed me that I did not say goodbye to my father properly. When there is a burial one gets finality, but us as a family have not gotten that finality. My mom and brother could only bury my father 2 months after his death.

I asked Jesus to show me what to do with this overwhelming feeling and immediately I saw a vision. I was walking with Jesus through a garden. It was a familiar place to me. This is where I always spend time together with Jesus. As we walked, we got to an entrance to another place I have never seen. Immediately the atmosphere changed. It was cool, peaceful and it felt like I had to be very quiet. I heard Him say: “This is a very sacred place.” I then understood why I felt to be quiet. It was a place of reverence! We entered and another garden opened in front of us. This garden was different. The flowers were different, the layout was different. It was glorious. We walked quietly and we came to a place in the middle of the garden where I saw Abba Father and Holy Spirit standing and waiting for us. There was a grave dug out and I immediately knew that this was where I would bury my dad. Jesus, Abba Father and Holy Spirit was with me as I was crying, releasing, and disconnecting from my dad. As we were busy lowering the casket, I heard the Lord say: “I turn your mourning into dancing, your sorrow into joy”. It was a beautiful, special burial. When we closed the grave, beautiful yellow flowers came up and covered that area.

I asked the Lord what this garden really was, and He said to me that it was a garden dear to His heart. This was the place where I have allowed Jesus, Abba Father and Holy Spirit to help me with my pain and sorrow. This garden with the most beautiful flowers, where so much peace and joy resided was my pain that I dealt with over the years, where Jesus has helped and saved me and where He has turned my sorrow into joy!

My garden of pain today is full of joy and peace, and I walk in absolute awe of God because He has brought me out of many overwhelming trials and tribulations. He did an extraordinarily decent job. The enemy cannot pull me to my past sorrow because there is no more sorrow but joy!

Beloved, when I walked away from that time I spent with Jesus, it was over, my heart was relieved, the burden lifted from my shoulders, and I had tremendous joy. I miss my dad, but I do not have that tremendous sorrow I had.

THIS IS WHO JESUS IS! This is His character. If you invite Him into your pain and sorrow, if you tell Him I do not have the answers, but I choose to look to you, please help me. He will surely come. But you must sit with Him and not just think He will cast a spell and fix stuff. You need to wait on Him or ask for help if you feel it is too difficult to hear what He is saying. Get someone that loves God to pray with you and hear with you.

Most of all, repent and ask God forgiveness for accusing Him of not being there for you and for leaving you. When we have a grudge against God our channel to communicate with Him gets a bit blocked. Repentance will remove the blockage.

Beloved, when you allow Jesus to help you through your pain, it touches His heart, and it is most sacred to Him.

Romans 10:13 For Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.

Psalm 91:15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.

Let us pray: Abba Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, I want to repent today that I want to give up. I feel lost and overwhelmed by my pain. I cannot handle it anymore. I repent that I have blamed You and that I have run away from You because it is Your fault for not helping me. Please forgive me and wash me in your blood. Please remove all the dark thoughts and plans I entertained. Cleanse me in Your blood and please take charge over my thoughts and emotions. I invite Your presence and interference into my life, into my thoughts and emotions. I lay it before You and I cry out: “Jesus, come rescue me!” Send help from Your sanctuary in the name of Jesus! (Psalm20). I invite You into my garden of pain so that You can turn my mourning into dancing and my sorrow into joy. Come Lord Jesus come. You are welcome! I pray this in Your precious, beautiful name, name above all names – JESUS CHRIST. Amen and amen.